Emergency assistance is available for most who are in need of help. In Hernando & Citrus counties they can initiate the process by calling the SVDP conference nearest their residence.
Emergency Assistance Procedure
Client calls the church nearest their residence. They are asked to leave their Name, Phone Number and Type of Assistance Needed.
The caseworker who receives the data will determine if the individual has been helped previously, when they have been helped and if they reside within the conference's boundary.
If the client is within the boundaries and they are elgible for assistance, the caseworker will proceed to contact the client to gain further information and set up a time to make a home visit if required otherwise the caseworker will provide the assistance needed.
If the client is not elgible for assistance a phone call is made to the client to explain why SVDP cannot help. At this time the client is given other referral numbers that may be of help.
At the time of the home visit if required, the caseworkers (always work in pairs) will get personal & financial information from the client.
After getting the information the caseworkers may make a decision at that time and inform the client of their decision. If they cannot make a decision at the time of the visit the client will be will be given an estimate of the time when they will be informed of their decision.